Mario Leone


Mario Leone comes at us all the way from New York, the skyscraper capital of the world. The son of traditional Italian suburbanites, he finds his solace in his sleek basement apartment where he slaves away at his keyboard through the variety films that he continues to write. A produced, yet determined Screenwriter with several spec scripts under his belt and a full length feature film due out in 2016He prides himself in knowing the rules so that he may walk that fine line artistically. To this end, he has earned his competent communication through Toastmasters public speaking group. Mario constantly pushes toward the screenwriting world in order to bring his stories to life. He enjoys his acclaim in screenwriting with his feature-length Horror screenplay “Apollyon 2016.” The film features Adriana De Moura of Desperate Houses-wives of Miami.However, his other screenplays revolve around Science Fiction, Drama, and Action films. Mario lives in the New York Area and currently selling his TV Screenplay titled “Aurum City.”